Tree Garden
April 2024. Earlier tulips here and more daffodils! This gets south and west sun. (off to right on border). We have to decide what to put in this garden this year. We have sweet pea seeds and bought another rose for the trellis to try again. We did decide zinnias are better here than cosmos. We are debating on the dahlias but we kept them. We are going to fill in the tree stump with soil - seedlings did sprout there but need something tall! Not as many alliums returned here unlike the other garden so need to plant more this fall. We propagated another sambuca elderberry in late winter for the backyard. We found a sunflower (?) amongst the elderberry and will move it. I should probably prune the elderberry. The yew that was in the white pot last year (for height) fell over in the winter and is sickly and may not make it. We should have planted in ground in fall.
October Reflections for Next Year
The wild side!!!
LOVE that canna, whether we keep it here or somewhere else
Planting hollyhocks.
Cosmos were gorgeous but very very tall - maybe all zinnias instead?
Giant alliums are stunners
Dahlias did well here but need better supports - need plants in front of them
Liked zinnias mixed with liatris. These were the zinnias started inside so they bloomed faster.
September 2023.
The cosmos are in bloom! They are much taller and more prolific than we expected. The sunflowers and zinnias are blooming as well as the dahlias. Its a little wilder than we expected! That canna lily just keeps blooming with the southern exposure. You can barely see our redbud tree but its doing okay.
August 2023.
Definitely a dahlia bed. They seem to love it here. We also grew sunflowers after being eaten in the backyard- we hope to see some soon! The canna lily is huge! Our redbud tree is growing. The cosmos are thick and starting to flower. The liatris have already bloomed and we like the zinnias mixed in with them - those zinnias we started inside. The euphorbia is also huge. Sadly, the climbing rose has not flourished - stem broken after a storm and cosmos and sunflowers are blocking sunlight.
We need some good July bloomers/color here after the allium - or could be the all dahlia garden with some more plants in front of them. The canna will have to move next year - the stump is decomposing and not stable - but we love it while we have it. The stump is "growing" flowers now so new plans. The yew should be planted around Labor Day in the ground.
May 2023: The giant alliums are the focal point. We also grew a canna cleopatra in a pot for the stump. We also planted zinnias grown from seed amongst the liatris. We moved the smokebush due to eventual size. Since the umbrella pine did not make it through winter, we added a yew, in a pot for now until planted for more height. Hostas went under the lilac bush. The lilac bush is not as healthy this year, but blooming and will get a prune soon. We planted firespinner delosperma between the blue fescue coming back to life. We also planted some dahlias. The raspberries are all over and volunteers need to be pruned. We are waiting for our new climbing rose and tree to leaf as they were planted as bareroots. We're nervous mamas. We sprinkled some cosmos and sunflower seed to see if they will grow..
What's Planted
Carolina Redbud Tree
Stalked this tree online for at least a year. Not my beloved cherry but I think I can adore this and will fit in the space.
2023 (New Blooms Farm) - planted 4/28
15-20 feet tall grown
Hosta Guardian AngeM
2023 (Romence Gardens)
Hosta Shadowland Seducer
Not sure where yet.
2023 (Romence Gardens)
Heuchera Forever Purple and Crimson
Also under the lilac
2023 (Romence Gardens) - planted 5/4
Lilac Bush
Our son begged us to keep one from the old garden and its just huge. Beautiful and fragrant for the short bloom time.
Bloom time: June
Care Tips:
Prune after flowering; needs lots of pruning. Blooms on old wood.
Pruned bare branches, lilac did not grow as full as normal in 2023.
Sambucas Black Lace Elderberry
The cousin to the Laced Up but broader.
Grew huge!
Golden Tower Elderberry
A freebie with an order. Nice sized plant and contrasts with Black Lace.
Grew huger and huger!
Rose Glow Barberry
Barberry regret. They were very small and didn't grow much. The ones at the nursery (I should have bought) are much larger. One is on the brink of death after the lavender buried it. Also, since learned they may be invasive.
Hicksii Yew
Replaced an umbrella pine which did not make it through winter. From the nursery.
Winecraft Black Smoke Bush
Proven Winners said it was to be 4-6 feet last year but the listing now says 10 ft.! Moved to back of garden due to potential size.
Care Tips:
Blooms on new wood
Munstead Blue Lavender
Really sprawled last year. Not sure I enjoyed it.
Care Tips:
Prune midseason especially in center- that's why it sprawled
Hard prune late winter really helps it stay in check
Blue Fescue
Bought four for the front border. Adorable. This year planting contrasting flowers in between.
No maintenance.
Firespinner Delosperma
Evergreen succulent groundcover between the blue fescue
Romence Gardens 2023
Did not flower last year but were new.
Bonfire Euphorbia
A front of the border cutie. Planted a few. We can move kids to other areas.
Liatris Blazing Star
Planted bulbs and they all came up right away. Looked good en masse. Mixed in zinnias and was really nice.
Flowering Time: July-August
Joseph's Coat Climbing Rose
Visited this climbing rose online for at least a year. And the Butterfly trellis. For Cara, you are loved.
2023 - planted 4/28 RIP. Bought another one for 2024. We really want this rose.